05 May 2019


2019 RBR50: TOP ROBOTICS COMPANIES CONTINUE TO INNOVATE, GROW MARKET Success comes in many flavors for robotics companies around the world.

Starting and growing any business is difficult, but when you’re in an emerging market such as robotics, automation, or artificial intelligence, the highs are higher and the lows can be lower. The meteoric rise of new companies and competition, along with record investments and high demand from potential customers, can lead to distraction for even the most stalwart entrepreneur.
Throw in an intense spotlight from a media looking to make headlines around the negatives of robotics, and you have a recipe for potential disaster at every turn.
Yet the top companies in the robotics field continue to stay focused on their mission – building robots, software and services that enable companies to optimize their processes, improve efficiencies, become more profitable, or solve human worker labor shortages.
For the past eight years, the RBR50 has provided the robotics industry with its own spotlight on the leaders in the robotics, AI, and autonomy industry. Robotics Business Review has researched hundreds of companies in the space across numerous robot categories. Along with new partner IDC, the premier global provider of market intelligence and advisory services across technology markets, we are confident that this year’s RBR50 list is the most comprehensive set of robotics companies worth following.